Monday, April 4, 2011

SpaceX Webcast Tomorrow

Another Space X post on Facebook from a few minutes ago.
"Check out Elon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 5th at 11:20am EST at a press conference to discuss SpaceX's newest venture. You can watch live at --this link will also be accessible from the SpaceX homepage. Can't watch live? No worries, it will be archived at:  for future viewing :)" From SpaceX.

I have been crazy busy at work the last couple of months. I wish I can post on what I do for a living because the work my team and I are doing is changing the world of medicine and how cardiology is practiced. But because of my position in the company I cannot post what I am doing or where I am traveling. I wish I could, because I am so incredibly blessed and our work is saving thousands of lives and our work is considered the next biggest revolution in interventional cardiology and the biggest discovery since heart transplant.

I follow SpaceX because they are doing something very similar to us but in a different field. OK, because I secretly dream of flying the Dragon.

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